Creating accessible classrooms
Golden Grove High School is a public secondary school located in north-eastern Adelaide. Due to changes in the allocation requirements for students with a disability, the school had to reconfigure its existing facilities and create additional classrooms, while making them inclusive and accessible for their students.
The brief
Increased demand for special education classrooms to accommodate the growing number of students with a disability meant that the school needed to refurbish one of its buildings to ensure inclusive and accessible facilities. Building codes and specific requirements from the Department of Education regarding classroom size had to be taken into consideration. Due to the high usage of the existing classrooms at the school, it was imperative to complete the project within a tight timeframe and with minimal disruption for staff and students.
In my role overseeing the day-to-day activities of the project, it was important to select a builder who could meet the requirements and regulations set by the government while also being cost-effective. Thanks to PBS, the refurbishment was completed to the highest standards, on time and within budget. Most importantly, the new facilities meet the needs of the school and its students.
Sue Ruciak, Business Manager
Golden Grove High School
Our premier solution
The project included:
- Shifting office spaces and merging two spaces into one
- Upgrading the toilets and changing facilities to include a disability-friendly toilet and shower room
- Ensuring compliance with accessibility standards, including wheelchair access through the classroom doors
- Adding a built-in kitchenette to the classroom to allow students to heat up food and drinks
Consistent communication throughout the project
Communication between the school and the builder was crucial to make the process smoother and easier for everyone involved. PBS delivered regular updates and clearly communicated any changes to the schedule or work that needed to be done, especially during class time. A high level of awareness and consideration for these factors meant that we were able to complete the refurbishment efficiently, effectively and on time.
Cost-effectiveness and compliance
Cost and timeframe were critical aspects of this project, and PBS’s careful project management meant we could deliver on the school’s expectations for both. We took care to meet all building code and Department of Education requirements while keeping a close eye on possible delays and working around disruptions. In doing so, we managed to avoid both time and cost overruns, finishing the project within the tight timeframe and on budget.
Minimal disruption thanks to flexible working arrangements
Working in a school environment poses unique challenges with access and noise control. We managed this by scheduling the majority of the work during holiday breaks or making arrangements to complete noisy tasks after hours. Whenever a job had to be completed during school hours, PBS was proactive in ensuring that the work did not interfere with the daily activities of the school. Our efforts to minimise the disruption for staff and students was an important factor for our client’s satisfaction.
The outcome: A fresh new classroom loved by students and staff
Thanks to constant communication with the school and our flexibility in working around school hours, the classroom refurbishment was completed in the required timeframe and to everyone’s satisfaction. Now that they’re back in their classroom, both students and staff love the fresh new space for learning – mission accomplished!
PBS did a really good job. I would certainly hire them again for future projects. What stood out to me was their excellent communication and the fact that despite the challenges, they still managed to meet our tight deadline.